the federal law does trump ceqa. it is to provide you with information and facts to make your decision. there have not been any faxed provided by the appellants to suggest that there is a fair argument that has not been considered when granting this categorical exemption. >> thank you. >> the gentleman who was up here earlier who you introduced with regard to this study that was done was that study paid for by your company? >> was it paid for by our company? yes. they are required by the department and i should let him describe this. >> it is an interesting study. >> it is a measurement study that the city requires that the carriers a met. they hire us to do the study. we submit it to the department of public health. >> separately, the department has done their own studies. is that correct? >> you reference federal government. the federal government has evolves over periods of time, whether through fda or issues related to those that might condone certain uses? in this particular period of time, it seems that maybe t