my 2 favorite cd-roms are these number 1, the will and trust kit and the must-have documents. it is in this one here where my own trust lawyer now becomes your trust lawyer. you're going to be able to in the luxury of your home, create all of the documents that you need today to protect your tomorrows. every single one of you should have a will a living revocable trust, a durable power of attorney for healthcare, and an advanced directive. now you be honest with me and you stand in your truth. do you have those 4 must-have documents, signed, sealed and delivered right here and right now as i am looking into this camera? ah! i didn't think so. alright, would it give you comfort to know because you go, what lawyer where do i go, i don't have the money. my lawyer is now going to be your lawyer. all you have to do is answer the questions on this cd-rom up will come the documents that you need in your particular situation. it is good in all 50 states, mac and pc, no matter what, it's good, and internet access is required. so here's what's so fabulous about this. once you have done