they have a runway so you can tryon your newest styles -- try on your newest styles and model and experiencehat it would be like to walk around in those new clothes. the castro has really unique businesses and it's a fun place to come shopping and i want to remind everybody the castro is open for everyone. we want to serve businesses -- business to everybody. so come and explore the castro during the day. you probably know the castro at night, but the daytime it's a great place, and experience what shopping is like and purchasing those special gifts for you and maybe even yourselves. so thank you very much. [applause] and i know that seth from stag and manor wants to say a few words. so next up is seth. >> [off mic] >> i didn't even know i was going to be speaking today but i want to say thank you all for coming to stag and manor. it's such an honor to serve this community which is my community, the community i've lived in for many years now. it's been such an honor to have the shop open for a year this saturday with incredible customers coming through every day with so many wonderful things