protected us with his soul, with his power, he held these bloody beams over our heads, just like tsar alexander ii carriage with his hands after terrorist attack on your children, so let’s... do everything, don’t spare either yourself, your friends, or your enemies, so that these children don’t learn anything like this, and otherwise we will all be insignificant, the dad is making history, we’ll stand as close as we can, we’ll gather in the national assembly, we’ll say , lead us, alexander grigorievich, even death, for the future, for the children, so as not to anger our fierce enemies, saving the world from a terrible time. everyone must mentally live, according to the law of wartime, it is necessary to stir up the embers in the coming darkness in their memory, in order to stay alive they must live, according to the law of wartime, that there are strangers under the sky. to me to circle around like a tramp without a tribe, one must cherish the flags of one’s family, according to the law of war, one must be in step with the times, cleansing oneself of the weed seed, in order to deserve peace, one