when did it happen the most difficult situation on the tsaritsyn front on august 12, 1918, the revolutionarycow, where he met with vladimir. he receives everything he needs, such as ammunition, uniforms, food, and sends trains to the front. touching fathoms in the shoulders, powerful growth, a real hero, contemporaries left memories of oparhomenok as an uncontrollably brave man, sometimes too hot-tempered. he climbed, as they say, into the thick of things, which is probably why it was he who was entrusted with the liquidation of taman grigoriev’s band in 1919 in what had just become soviet ukraine. his courage and determination, he actually single-handedly neutralized the command of the rebels, for which he received his first order of the red banner of battle, and then he was in rostov-nadon, and there, being the commandant of the city, parkhomenko was unable to cope with the drunkenness and robbery of his charges, for which he sentenced to death, budyonny personally asked for him in front of varoshilov, mitigation, punishment, pardon. but varoshilov in this regard, as a man of principle, sa