fullness was later more than made up for by this amazing happiness when pushkin gets into the tsarskoye selo lyceum. and here he was really lucky that it was at the time of his growing up to the moment when he was 12 years old. it was open in russia. this is an amazing educational institution, the lyceum in tsarskoe selo, which some consider to be such a model in general. schools are exemplary, and the education that united the school is their university, while others say that in fact there was nothing unusual in the lyceum and again, pushkin's phrase from the novel in verse by eugene onegin, we all learned little by little, and somehow it best characterizes learning in person. well , in fairness from the lyceum. many wonderful people came out. including one of the future foreign ministers, chancellor gorchakov, poets came out. the decembrists came out, the seafarers came out, and in the life of pushkin the lyceum cannot be overestimated and it is no coincidence that every october 19th. he will write poems dedicated to the lyceum. and here is the famous one. my friends , our union is beautiful, it