so thoughtmy god, it' only aicycle tt's eping girls fr going tschool, t's ahead a, you kn, gi it to tm. [bhara] [bhati'mother] [bhati] narrator: and now, the grand prize winner of the "viewchange" film contest, aaron kisner's "final voices: kakenya." [child singing] kakea ntaiyai was enged toe marriewhen i w fiveears old myarents aanged it in my community, when a girl is old enough to walk, she's taught how to sweep the house, how to collect water from the river, and how to cook for the family. a girl is trained to become a mother and a boy is trained to become a warrior. my mother's life was very hard. i knew that i wanted something different. if my chores were done, i could go to school. every child, it doesn't matter where they are, every child has a dream. i dreamed of becoming a teacher because teachers looked nice. teachers didn't have to work on the farm. when a girl becomes 12 or 13 years old, there is a ceremony. we are told that this ceremony will make you a woman, and once you're a woman, you can get married. we're not supposed to cry. i knew that if i were married, i could