what i wanted to ask you today tsedeye gebreselassie-- first i want you to respond to what he said-- much is this an effort to increase membership in unions at a time when unions are flagging. >> let me first address what he was saying about entry level. the fast food industry, you know is an industry where 70% are over the age of 20. many have been working in fast food jobs for years and that's because while the fast food industry may have been a stepping stone in past years toward a better paying job in a different industry, the fact of the matter is jobs in fast food retail home health care, child care, some of the workers that were out on strike today, those are the jobs that are disproportionately fueling job growth in our economy today. so we've got to figure on the a way to raise pay in those industries. 42% of workers in this country make less than $15 an hour precisely because as steve was saying unionization rates have gone down which was a key way to raise wages in our country, precisely because the minimum wage floor has so far eroded in its value. at $7.25 an hour, that