so, are we alone in the universe, that is, tsiolkoff said that the universe is teeming with intelligenthe moon is such an interesting body that, mmm, perhaps there are some manifestations of the mind that we can come to with it connection and check. i think everything should develop, but not so fast, rather, 50 years ago, not a computer, there are no phones, right here is a terrible breakthrough in technology has existed for two centuries. before that, the 800th generation lived somehow calmly , and then we invented a steam locomotive, radio, rocket planes, all this is developing rapidly . electronics can go astray already there. can printers print? well, i think i don’t want to interrupt you, of course, to stop. unfortunately, time flies. it was very informative to talk with sergey nikolaevich samburov, the chief specialist of the radio engineering system of the republic of kazakhstan konstantin eduart tselkovskiy his legacy his works on communication with the international space station station mir, as well as satellites, which are made by ordinary students. podcast of the creative in