even counting snap, and from -- toome from tsnap is on left bring a family to the poverty line and it is not enough to help you afford rent in any state. in light of this, proposals to model other programs after tanf, something we hear a lot about these days whether it is housing assistance, nutrition assistance, health insurance, would be nothing short of a blueprint for exacerbating poverty and inequality in this country. one additional quick note on work requirements. continued calls for extending work requirements to other programs is somehow a panacea are not only unsupported by the evidence with these -- what these policies achieve, they are missed on a fundamental misunderstanding of what the individuals and families who find themselves needing to turn to public assistance are experiencing, what their lives look like. more than 90% of households who receive public assistance are elderly, disabled, or working households who are not kept out -lowoverty by the too minimum wage and that is one area where we will have a friendly disagreement. mentiong apart and to is the inclusion o