with... from the presentation of the classic palazian pabudovs, two-paved arches on the high tsokali budynakhe center of which is the belvidere, covered with baths, these styles are laid on... imitation of the architecture of the italian country houses, which were on the sight of antychnykh syadzibs. the external decor of the palace was carved in the style of early classicism. the galloping façade is made up of ports of the karynfsk order, four-column front doors and chassis-columned parkas. throughout the entire perimeter of the building there are two square square window openings, which give the palace a great monumentality. on on the high first cover , the ceremonial memorials were softened, on the other - yellow packs, and the foundations were dug out for gas supplies and softening the service. the chosen architecture of the tsokal building is of symbolic significance. this is the so-called piyano-nobel, a visual understanding of the marriage, like the region and the rulers themselves over the land. akramya tago, palace may vyyazny. carriage ramp, which is very unusual for belarusian arc