welcome to the fire of the quotation, we will lay down tsybulko, have you ever paid attention to theady used to, which we cook quite often, has very funny names, for example, well, for example, potatoes in uniform, and herring under fur coat, and lazy cabbage rolls or lazy jam, cherry, ah, fried eggs, yes, grandmother, priest, i never found it. mm, well, enough clear explanation. why is this dish so called, and as they say, the etymology of the origin of this desire is also shrouded in mystery, but there are several versions? according to one of them, potatoes, that's what we just rubbed. yes, look, she is gurgling now, yes, yes, she is such a granny. she is so fluffy white, fresh, like a young girl. and when the grandmother is baked already there somewhere in the oven. yeah, she's a little darker like a grandmother. well, as it were, here is such a version. i don't like her very much. you lead me. yes, i like it better, another version is associated with the name of napoleon bonaparte when, ah, he retreated. e from moscow along the smolensk road, somewhere in the area of \u200b\u2