places for the beginning and me, amen, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, glory to tsysyk and the holy spirit, and always and forever and ever. in heaven so on earth give us our living bread today and forgive us our trespasses as we say goodbye to you and lead us into temptation but deliver us all to whom is the kingdom and power and glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit today always and forever and ever, our god, you have been enlightened, my step is being made for you, the sun is passing, do not forget you, christ, you are the lord, glory be to you, our god, the light is shining, you understand the name in it to comfort you , they served there from the visa, they learned at the same time that you are the sun from the right and to know you rose from on high, lord, the word of jesus christ, our god, shone the light with me, i wanted to serve the happy, the forests learned to worship you, this weapon itself, and to know you all from on high, lord, glory to you, lord, have mercy , lord jesus christ, god to bless he himself fed five loaves and five thousand peop