tte grooming ppocces whhch used to take months even years.... can now take just a maater oo hours.. shot) tand- 3 up consider this... aa predator does an online seaach looking for. et's say a 14 maybe there's beee an article in the newspaper that's noww - posted on-line. the predator... has youu child'ss -name, likeey his age and where heegoes to school. now the preddtor seerches facebook and pees your eenage son likes 15 year old girls 3 who work out. itts doesn't &ptake much find an mage of a 3 physscally it 15 years and create a fake profiie. " it &pcould e a 17 year ool femmle or a 56 ear old male.""thhy are very inteeligent thee're detectives.... in thhir effort to catch these criminals.(nneds to be coverrd because video s adjusting) 49:40 it's like fishing just sit ack and wait if something comes p it does you work it if ot you ry again. in 2011 a task force that looks 3 receeved almost 8-hundred llads here in arylandd it -reeslted in 555 the arrest of &p82 people. the isk is reaal...and experts ay thht risk caa increase hen ccillrrn are allowed -3 (dr snow))"parents nee