tte eginning of next ear. year.while many arr celebratinggtheir win... gay marriage supporters ssy they ssill have another hurdle to jump.tte laa is expected to be petitioned tooreferendum in november.right now, opponents have aaprovall o officially launchhtheir petitionndrive. something we're seeing more of lately.some polliical observers say... pushingg pnpooular leggslatioo to voters... is a growing trend. (crenson) "under the state constitution you have to get can use facebook, email and a number of other social media to get those signnaures,,it'' aalot easieerthan going door door."opponents will need ore signntures from maryllnd &pvoters to get that question o the ballot this fall. they're expected toorelyy heavily on churchgoersswho oppooe same sexxmarriage... as a matter of faath... to reach if yyu would like more information on the upcoming stories on the ssme-sex marriaae debaae...go to fox baltimore oo com ... click "same sex marriage" under "hot topics". a formmr balttmore county resident pleads guilty to charges. majid khann.. a 1999 graduate of owings mills igh schooo pleeded guilty in a plot to kill a foomer paaistani presidenttanddblow &. 3r