and the natchatur law woprplhaeo caen nd jthhas e, tthanso t re oue pci,th ends, the purposes of nature and come to moral principles through that, through the ercise of reason. sone of the stamentt 'rmi wthnv iofat clio pece nne em that all men are created equal, that they're endowed by their creator with certain inalienable lights and among these e life, beane uit wa d hewsfur i idhaerreta laws, certain world princles that don't come from government, they don't depend on government, and you can ha the even despite of the government at aiin thgu, it cotu, a t 17as to pro-slavery or anti-slavery. and you had this whole group, this tradition in american politics of oplehorgue at tnsti was tivense dsde dla t usmeavd itstid constitution w in its essence a glorious liberty document and that those provisions touching slavery -- if they had a relationshipo it, they were th mrescldthas soo oe tee. gus, iac abraham lincoln and others who maintained that slave was was unjust before slavery was unjust nal us itiodth rof tthevat soirumwawa that the constitution should be interpreted in light of the