ttissis opinioo. ú& >> smith: hoo old fashioned -f you. >> lehrer: oh, well, i know this is, this s oldnnbritain,,in print, ann till is to somm -> smith: ssill is to some degree. >> lehrer: yeah, yeah, and the ppeple who are in the middlee cnn, areelosing audieece hand over fist. >> smiih: right, aad, and the onesson the left and the rightt they shout own everyyody else..3 >> lehrer: absolutely right. >> smiih: right. >> lehrer: anddthere is, but the thing that there, we're we haven't gotten, otten ccme to grips with it et, -etting all the attention3 ->>smith: yeah. >> lehrer: but thee havv very small udiences. yyu know compared tto33 ccmmercial television network nn ompared to the >> leerer: but it is, we haven't donn a vry good job, and we haddto do, of ú& selling why e are. >> lehrer: why we do what ee3 do. >> smith: yeahh >> lehrer: this isnnt about -nteetainment. &-this isn'' bbut making people cry and laugh and all that sort of tuff, and love us. >> ssith: rrggt.ú >> lehrer: this is aaout a democraaic society that needs informinformatioo so that ou can have an ú&informed pooa