ski marketers and salelspeople to b contribute to the experiences and skills to the book'sets, l tublication?to u without trading secrets, we lookelookto authors of a great o tell compelling like is there a satisfying resolution? do you like the characters? do you hate them?lution of are you supposed to? are you engaged in thee a resolution of the conflict?act? is there a defined narrative thors act?wie many of the self-publishedfor pn authors are working with us have a talent for keeping the reader glued to then page. readers rev. we knew when we bought "beautiful disaster" that she had already had 2200 reviews, mostly two and a half, four and a half stars. we look at what actually people are saying in the reviews, not just the number. it's very important. is the passion with which the reviews are written, are the readers and are the readers obsessed with characters like travis, the main characteristic? we look at how many fans are on facebook, how many twitter followers were there, are they interested in reading groups and writing groups? what are the bloggers saying? in buildi