also consider very important what are some of the obstacles to difficulties tuc. but come on to join these very important regional trading blocs. well the first idea i don't mind the phrase said. my peanut too much on his caller id on the look the mn and is he in a foreign phrase nice to always have extra nice. the fact is i think he's a jump into conclusion to ptsd china can be used as skeptical look i was not to participate in the tdp law said yes i think the man to ikea for taiwan to participate in a trans pacific partnership agreement is that taiwan's economy is going on in life enough to reach that height stand this and i think we should be careful to separate two issues one day she said no when modernization consistently ask that no one should pass the test of the screen in china so that they show the war that taiwan has sprung up the media or the confidence to participate in the indian indian regional integration. arrangements but this is a different pace because not up for taiwan to participate in ppp all the law says to me that my kids to come. maybe ther