naugatuck, come on, come on. - [carol] it's time for good morning, tuckahoe. - [newscaster] you were quoted as saying that even though you're running for the state senate, you have your eye on the presidency. - oh no, no, no, i was misquoted. no, what i said was, i have my eye on the president. have you gaining rapidly on your opponent for the democratic primary, james kunkle. how would you explain that? - very simply, the emergence of women in our society, for as new woman magazine so aptly puts it, jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. jack fell down and broke his crown, and jill went on to complete the assignment, much to the great admiration of her employer, far exceeding the expectations of all those who assumed she had no capacity. - [carol] ah, i love it. i love it. - [newscaster] for political office. are you happier this way? - how can you define happiness? it's a feeling that we women have for each other have ever been before. by free i mean free to do and to be whatever we want. it's so exciting. - oh mother, you're marvelous. - [maude] i love the