my name is tucker peck. a few years ago i was living in arizona and took my [speaker not understood] and off leash dog park. he started playing with another dog. the lady who owned her dog put her hands and was bitten. in arizona this is a misdemeanor. you can't expunge a record in arizona. [speaker not understood] was a little bit wild, but all that [speaker not understood], for the rest of my life because i was convicted of a crime. so, i do hope you'll take this box away. thank you. >> thank you, mr. peck. >>> good afternoon, my name is julian harper. i am a resident of san francisco and also an attorney at lawyers community for civil rights at the second chance legal clinic. i want to thank supervisors kim and cohen for supporting this legislation and also speak in favor of it. at the second chance legal clinic we provide legal services to people who have past arrests and convictions and help try to relieve legal barriers to reentry that they face. we regularly meet with clients whose past convictions an