clea tuckson: that's why they did buy it up. gillooly: okay. tuckson: oh, yeah, they own the airport, they own all this, too. the city of st. louis owns kinloch, in a sense. will: that just, that decimated the town, you know? it just, it killed everything. and they really didn't use all the land, they just... you know, the population went from, like... i want to say it was about 10,000 people, all the way to, like, 200 or 300. and it's never been the same. joseph wells: i was mayor when they first started buying it out. all the damage was done, you know. you didn't have nowhere to expand, so you was locked in, and that kills any city. it don't make no difference who it is or what city it is. you don't have no extra land and you're locked in all around, ferguson on one side and berkeley on three sides, you know. so kinloch was doomed from the beginning, but... 25 or 30 years ago, when i was the mayor, they had already designated kinloch to be cleared out for the airport. (airplane passing overhead) (airplane passing overhead) boyd (dramatized):