host: peniel joseph of tufty university joining us, also crystal wright of victor from silver spring, maryland, republican, go ahead. caller: good morning. two quickie points. number one, and your real enemy are the illegal aliens. maryland is a thing to wear a state thanks to the democrats running the state into the ground, and they are welcoming all the illegal aliens they can. they are the ones that are taking the jobs away from the blacks. number 2 -- life matters huh? really? well get rid of the planned parenthood's letter in the middle of the black americans, then maybe i will believe that black lives matter. host: mr. joseph, do you want to start? guest: yeah, when you think about what is going on, undocumented citizens are not the problem. what we need in this country is comprehensive immigration reform. but the whole idea that undocumented citizens are taking jobs away from african americans -- that is not true. what we need is a massive jobs program. we need a new new deal in this country, and one that is not just for african-americans but for lat