this one with traditional new mexican luminarias is in a baseball field in the village of tularosa. these are victims of a different kind of loss. >> there's just-- just too much cancer here. so many tears. >> reporter: gloria herrera knows about cancer from her friends, her neighbors and her husband, henry, who's had three different kinds. the herraras blame the disease on a day etched in henry's memory. he was 11 years old. >> kaboom, that thing exploded and i mean it was a big explosion. it wasn't like these regular ones we'd be hearing. >> reporter: in july 1945, scientists worked in secret on the world's first atomic bomb in a part of new mexico's desert called jornada del muerto or journey of death. they hoisted a 19 kiloton device called the gadget on top of a 100 foot tower. at 5:29 in the morning on july 16th, a tremendous flash came first, and then a mushroom cloud stretched seven miles high. it was the same size and power as the plutonium bomb that would be dropped 24 days later on the japanese city of nagasaki killing tens of thousands. july is the rainy season in new me