i want to congrat late tullah rosa high school for receiving a bronze medal in "u.s. news and world reports" annual report of the best high schools in america. this award shows that tullah rosa high school is serving all its students well regardless of their backgrounds. also this means that the school is performing well on a broad range of indicators not just one or two. and that the students learning there are getting the training that they need to do well in college. tullah rosa high school not only performed well against its peers in new mexico but competed with schools across the united states. schools like them achieve such great distinctions because of the hard work and dedication of the teachers, staff, and administration. their students also deserve to be commended for fully taking advantage of all the students provided to them at tullah rosa high school. it takes a team of hardworking folks to make this type of progress. i'm honored to have schools like them in my district. i commend their achievement and wish them luck in replicating it again. i yield back t