and elliott tullman is at the core of our book and the reporting on the league's denial for years. i think people were always struck that elliott tullman despite being at the sort of roof of the nfl's denial of this issue for decades was still a major player in the medical sort of field around the nfl. so the league now stating publicly that they're going to go i guess in a different direction. i assume he would replace tullman or she or whoever's there. >> there will be a lot of scrutiny on whoever that is. >> absolutely. >> dwight hicks, you've got a super bowl ring that you're wearing today. you played a number of season in the pros. is it possible to make pro football safe? >> in some respects yes and in others no. football is a very violent game. very competitive game. and it's getting faster. the guys are getting bigger. and i don't think that the equipment that they're using is keeping up with that. and i think a lot of attention should be toward that. better helmet technology. i think more than anything people look at the big impacts and it's more the subconcussive hits tha