mister tunney. i'msorry, mister tunney did you have anything to add ? >> i do not accept the study that we will comply with any and all city and particular dvi building code requirements and making sure the new comprehensive permit complies with the code. whatever that entails and that likely does not require an independent structural engineer to come and assess the property but if we need structural engineers to review your plans and theproperty to make that permit co-compliant we will do that . >> we will now hear from the department of building inspection. >> this is joe duffy from dvi. i don't think i need to reenact any of the permit details for you but i do want to acknowledge that dvi did receivecomplaints. they did issue stop work orders back in 2019 . i agree with a lot of what mister dratler is asking for and i do think that we would deny a payment and this one has become anightmare recently . i would like us to go back again and do possibly an amended notice of violation with some of the requirements or issues mister dratler has raised vis-@-