but as someone who actually, i was embedded on the joint turgeon task force so i have first-hand experience in what this all means. and yes, you are right, the data sharing is not perfect but it has improved every since september 11. every year it has gotten them become better and better. the idea that we can just shut down immigration from certain or refugees are immigrants from certain regions because we are broken is absolutely a falsehood. our system is never going to be perfect but it is not like it just stops and never continued to prepare another argument is it's interesting to this idea we are conditioned and emigration on these countries because it makes our border safer to do so, but at the same time we are -- i didn't think you did, but they do. but at the same time we're going to cut usaid and state department funding, agencies whs responsible it is to try to make these countries from which refugees are coming both safer and more stable, and the same agencies who are supposed to support refugee camps in other countries, in turkey. we're going to cut that funding, do less to help