turi insists he never shipped any weapons to qatar.stole the zero footprint idea. >> why isn't the state department contacting me about making a mistake on my application? the state department had a lead on this. they were going to run it with their people. and who that is i have no idea. i sat back and watched this unravel. and it went south really quick. >> turi says he heard disturbing reports from his contacts on the ground in libya about weapons ie raving from qatar and falling into the wrong hands. >> when this equipment landed in libya, half went one way, and half went the other way. the half that went the other way is the half that ended up in syria. >> this defense intelligence agency report recently obtained by a judicial watch lawsuit provides further confirmation weapons were flowing unchecked in the weeks leading up to the 2012 attack. quote, weapons from the former libyan military stockpiles were shipped from the port of benghazi libya, to the port of benias and the port of borj in syria. ships five days before the bengha