we have met with the leaders of pakistan, india, turkmenistan, emirate, and china, among others. their commitment for building mutual security across nation includes ending the financing and sanctuary for extremist groups. the second initiative is to build up the ability of our armed forces to project their elected government across our entire national territory. our partnership with the united states now transformed into the resolute support mission has given afghanistan a well trained army that is taking the fight to the enemy. we are no longer on the defensive. on december 31, 2014, all combat operations were ended and turned over to afghan security forces. general campbell, has publicly testified in this very chamber that the afghan army's professionalism and morale meet all of the military man's expectation. we will negotiate the taliban from a position of strength not weakness so that the hard part gains in education, health government, freedom and woman's rights are not lost. [applause] president ghani: the third initiative will be our push for national reconciliation. the