my second question is, is the modeling that was produced by the turlock districts being used to support sfpuc staff proposal for non flow measures going to be peer reviewed. i heard someone say it would be. so if so, when? i'm worried that implementing this plan, without peer review, even by february of 2019, would years to see how things will play ut will condemn the salmon in those two depend on it. thirdly, why is this solution to increase and protect salmon populations that failed two decades ago? one that relied heavily on non flow measures, in particular predator habitat reduction being proposed again? i referred to a letter sent to you from the trust in july of this year detailing what happened then. number 4, should any water urban agency be fifth lined with irrigation districts when there are different agendas. they're serving a single industry, agriculture, where sfpuc provides for basic human needs. they have a resource ex traction mentality and they have a conservation mentality. the valley water agencies provide water for profit making leaving out too many of the poor, whol