president mazzucco: commissioner turman? commissioner turman: what was the disposition of the last case? >> i believe it was an admonishment, but i will double back on that and inform you. president mazzucco: please call line item 3 c, mr. monroe. secretary monroe: item 3 c, commission reports. president mazzucco: we have had a busy three weeks. for example, last evening, we went to law school with cheese suhr, and there was information about the occupy movement, and there was an attorney. it was incredible. there was a packed house. the press was there from pbs. and the part that i want to bring to you all, the most amazing thing, there was no complaint with the first amendment project about the san francisco police department handling of the occupy movement. in fact, something to be proud about, we are kind of a model. we are not uc-davis or berkeley or oakland. one of the reasons is we have a civilian oversight, and there was conversation about participation with the occ, and the checks and balances we have in place and t