along the lines the pcm team who got us to this point out the folks and the turner jack adams have done an excellent job of making that smooth it's a racket effort on all folks parts >> go plan ahead. >> i thought the excavation had been completed. >> no, it didn't start until that past tuesday. >> what part of the project was still being - the court: yeah. so the remains were discovered during the trenching and 3 and a half foot down to install that had we not had the gore thermal system this wouldn't have been discovered. >> i'm wondering it sound like the analysis is to be done any guesses you're willing to share and now and the likelihood of finding more. >> to answer the question between the time we met with the m l d and the plan approved we brought in a geoarc closet that analyzed the stones and the burial was covered at the time but their interest isn't in the bowler but the matrix so they carpal tunnel syndrome the staff indication felt soil and come back do the site to take samples their preliminary guess is this could be 6 to 8 thousand years old the burial could be much youn