decided it was a little premature. [ laughter ] so we waited until she was 8, and we chose "cosi fan tutte at the met. it was an english translation. >> oh, good. [ laughs ] >> and we played the recordings for months before the great evening. i sat down with the libretto with her, and by the time she came to the performance, she knew most of the words. we sat in the first row of the family circle so she wouldn't have any heads to look over. we got her a velvet jumper, patent-leather shoes, and it worked. [ laughter ] >> there is a new movie called "on the basis of sex," and it's about your first gender-discrimination case. and when i was at the screening, watching you, in the course of this movie, get turned down by one law firm after another, big, small, and medium in new york city, i couldn't help but wonder what ur career would have been like if just one of those law firms had actually hired you. >> i know what it would have been like. it's as justice sandra day o'connor said. she was a few years ahead of me in law school. she was very high in her class at stanford. no one would offer h