ed tuttle fidgets, she's citing cases, but there are others on the other side. sometimes the court does one thing, sometimes another. sometimes the justices say one thing, sometimes they say something else. so what? it's all just words. he's had it up to the proverbial here with all the words. he interrupts cox's string of citations. counselor, says ed, i can't help but notice that like your opponent you insist on framing your argument with words. [laughter] does the strength of your argument rely on the presumption that words mean something rather than nothing? [laughter] ed is looking intently at cox. the lawyer blinks once, then again. ed imagines he can hear her eyelids close and open like in an early morning cartoon, blink, blink. the question, understandably, has thrown off the cool nerve of texas' top arguer. in all the many practice arguments she had staged to get ready, not once did any of the lawyers playing justices ask her to share assumptions regarding the capacity of language to convey meaning. i just had not come up. [laughter] it just had not com