one pl, tw dy, xeljanz can reduce rin nd help stop furth joint damage, evenithout methotrexat a about xeljanz. evenithout methotrexat i'm sure you know what ts meeting is about yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. yi knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. noportfolio. and if doest perform wellor two csecuti gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives m back their advisy... quarstocks.yup. fees fees. fees fees for those quarters. ye.s. so, i'm coident i'm in good hands. so, i'm coident i'm for all the coence you nd. tdmeritrade. you gotot this. johnrepublicans controth houses of congress, what fference wit make? ieep hearing that republi will repeal obamare and stop spending a reform the tax code. bere.' heatuff like that reblicans said that ey would reduce spending oncen we but on they gain poweritwas not thcase will thicongress be different? mi lee said yes. tell u why. >> winston chuchill once said thathe amrican people can wayse counted upon tdo the righthinafter r they have hausd every otr alternate or aehab xhted everternative and that's o of reasons