i watched people make earnest efforts to do business and been twarted as t at this stage. because of for visor kim's lack of objection my imication is approve thix or send to the board >> supervisor campos >> i think i want to go now because it comes down to me and this committee. i think it is not a clear case from my perspective. i understand what lutenent fal zone z saying and i think that in many respects the argument makes sense. the bottom line for me though and i have said this from the very beginning of my role on this committee when i was chair of the committee that that thofend day to me it all comes down to community support for a license and i think that for me that means that there has to be a yes from the community to make smns happen. i am concerned in this case you have a neutral supervisor not saying one way or the other and i'm concerned so many members of the community have come out. i appreciate there may have been letters subsequent to putting together this package there is no one from the xhunty who is coming here and saying we support this in this he