on govnmt rv fnd 90% cteave out fse infoatn coceing link tween aboron, brea ncer infertily d deession. bans on fundi cree another obstle to choi asanas 1-fifth to a of pooren can obtain abortions becae of lack o sources. also wouldn't er n moratyf abortion st can ite arol of making them safe andnnecesry. nearly a thid ofomen wil ve an abortion, and between 65 to 70% believe the court should not overturn roe versus wade, the decision which guaranteed access to abortion in the first three months of pregnancy. those who share that commitment need to mobilize and ensure safe choices are available. more resources need to be targeted at ensuring women, particularly poor and adolescent women have adequate access to family planning informationnd assisnce. reesrc nd gto suortinghe oneseven wenho are onbo q o wom lingerty recve wearbefi n a those befits arey %th y ne th humts are tantia llns of familesuffer om ortas fd d ung d e adqueet net ke myomen traed i vienreonship rainthmimuwae d denginflio wld eleciallyinceomen ohirds um-w orrsded edation d plmeionsre sti recr. na rgan faouy q w foht wa