uh, twinkies flamb?. well, listen. you two get together and enjoy yourself. i'll be right back. oh, fred. you didn't have to go to all this trouble. fred: i know that. just enjoy the champagne there, darlin'. champagne. nothin' but the best. nothin' but the best from your husband woody. french wine. straight from the... [violin music playing] you two just get cozy. get real cozy. i'll be back, now. woodrow, i missed you. did you miss me? well, yes. i--i guess i did, esther. oh. woodrow, how do i really look? oh, you look just like a big bouquet of flowers. aw, you so sweet. here you are. that's nice. there they are. isn't that romantic? holding' hands. that's nice. i'll be back. look here, son. they holdin' hands. and woodrow ain't even wearing his work gloves. oh, man. don't you ever know when to stop? fred. lamont. see, didn't i tell you? i knew what i was doin'. fred sanford. the king of hearts. [knock on door] come in. hi. i'm jackie. laverne's sister. uh, uh, jackie? laverne's sister? that's right. she said there's a fellow here who wants to swing. where is he? uh. swing? w