latourette: and then, the mayor of twinsburg, ohio, if you haven't been to twinsburg, come this summer, it's famous for its twins festival, twins from cradle to very elderly twins show up. last year, i think we had 4,000 sets of twins. if you think you're seeing double, you'll see double in twinsburg in the twins festival. the mayor rote to mr. bloom, ron bloom, on the president's automobile task force and basically said, what happened? she was on the call she heard that everything was going to be ok. now all of a sudden she finds that a chrysler plant that provides 13% of her city's tax base is going to be closed and 1,200 people will be out of work. so basically she said, look, i watched the president, i was on these telephone calls. what happened? and mr. bloom, in a letter dated may 6, writes back that what the president's comments were meant to convey, they meant to convey the message that the bankruptcy of chrysler had in no way changed these plans. i ask unanimous consent to put this into the record as well. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. latourette: what the pl