where the twistedd &pwreckage oo planeecrashes serves as a usc cllasrrom or aviation accident has failed."instructors ook training."whht strikes you with thiisaircraft?" (reporter): "well, what firee ere and it doesn't look like anyone could hhve ssrrived it." you look overr (repooter): "wwll, i see twisttd metal.. t looks llkee some kind of signiiicant prruma happeneddtt that wing, crashed into sooething,,hit something, i on't kkow, a pole?""we teaah the discipline pf accident investigation, namely to observe the fact, to &pdocument the faat and then e the ffats take you by theehand aad lead you to the next ffct, conclude, not to ssmmarize nd noo to tthnk too far head, but to stick to theefacts." (reporter): "and so ow wrong am i?" "you're riggt." but minutesslater, i jumppto a faalty conclusson looking at different wreckage. "it lmost can. and what we see hereeis (reporter): ""o lightning hii this aircraft?""theee's o this ii siiply evidence of nn aircraft being ttrn apart by tte severe urbulence that is &pcootained in a thunderstorm." while investigators in san franciscc still aae gat