excellence and it is an event that meant a lot to the employees and the first time that i met with twu and the union that represents the operators with something that was very important and would like to see it come back and we have begun the discussionwise them about bringing that back and we are looking at a probably a different way of doing it. but we are working through your secretary, and through the communication direct and her working with the union to bring that event back to really we can nice the employees in accord with all four of the plan and recognize them and as you know is the number one goal of our plan and, just want to let you know that that is happening and it is a good thing for the employees and a good thing for the agency and we will keep you posted as we develop that. and then, finally, just want to remind folks that sunday streets is happening this sunday in the dog patch and the bay view, and we are especially pleased to be rolling out in conjunction with the mayor's office on disability and the department of aging and adult services as well as the bay and out