one of the early investors was ty cobb, one of the greatest baseball players of all time from atlantaa. >> i didn't know that. that was my first job out every high school. i worked at the world of coca-cola, like the coke factory there, like museum, it shoots you up to the top floor, shaped lie bottle. then go through learning the history of coke. one floor taste coke from around the wormedment and i worked in the gift shop where it spits you out at the end. >> oh, i can see you in the gift shop, smiling, hi, thank you for coming in, would you like a key chain? it is only 50.99, it will be on sale for 50.99 for another two days it goes to up 17.99 after that. >> you agree? not even the high ticket, most popular item was the piggy banks that shaped like a coke bottle. >> yes. >> everyone had to have those. >> kind of cute. coke a coal at most recognizeable symbol in the world. yes. >> not nike, that check? >> no, coca-cola. >> wahlberg err fans, if you can't wait for the new burger joint owned by the wahlberg brothers to open up, well, listen up. >> they had truck out here at fourth an