. -- along tyhe lof -- along the loft. loading operations have the potential to block traffic on california street for short periods while trucks back into the loading dock. the condition for loading dock activities is recommended to ensure that loading operations do not disrupt the neighborhood or block traffic for an inordinate amount of time. to prevent use in the public right of way from occurring, the project will be required to implement a no-q condition of approval, which includes monitoring for cues and implementing measures -- which includes a monitoring for queues. the department has received one call, 30 e-mails, and a petition with 65 signatures supporting the project and two letters in opposition. the opposition is not so much concerned with this particular use, but they would prefer a grocery store that has a wider range of choices and would be less expensive and more affordable than other -- to the neighbors. the department recommends approval of the projects with conditions as the proposal would maintain on