major players, including former gop chairwoman kelly ward involved with the party activism, and tyler boyar officer of the charlie kirk organization, turning point usa. >> and what impact do you think that would have, very quickly, vaughn, on arizona and the republican efforts in arizona, a critical state, a critical swing state now in 2024? >> reporter: the republican party has struggled to regain its credibility among the electorate. for three election cycles in a row now, arizona voters have voted far democrat for the u.s. senate. they also voted for a democrat for the white house. joe biden in 2020. and in 2022, they won every statewide office except a superintendent of public instruction. that was the democratic party. for this, the republican party, it's just another dagger. another difficult set of headlines, and another expense, frankly, legal expense that the arizona republican party is going to have to deal with at a time that they would like to be focused on winning in november's election six months from now. the trump campaign, the rnc, they have fewer than five individuals on t