welcome back to the kaiser report i'm nice keyser time now to go to tyler linda no me is the representative for wyoming house district 01 for those outside of america wyoming is not only the most bitcoins friendly state in america it's also the 10th largest state in the union and the least populated as born for social distancing are i thought i welcome the kaiser report yet thanks for having me really appreciate the opportunity now many people here wyoming and think not only yellowstone national park ranching farming with a cover 19 pandemic we saw livestock destroyed while supermarket shelves were empty what caused this and what legislation did wyoming introduced to address this tiler i think the 1st thing that we should make very clear though is the coronavirus did not cause co-ops sell the meat supply chain meat supply chain was always pretty horrible it was a centralized mass. kind of propping up or big monopolies and that's where everybody gets their meat whether it's from the back of a beef track or from a grocery store or whatever it's all going through these or out and so the corona