the operation is named for legend tyler pharaoh, a four-year-old kansas city oil shying killed while asleep in his bed. the purpose of the operation is to make clear that his life mattered. his name should be remembered. and other innocent victims like cam, including the eight-year-old girl killed in chicago should not suffered such sentiments death. after starting in kansas city, operation legend expanded to chicago two weeks later, and is now active in nine major cities. as part of the operation, the federal government has dispatched over 1000 of our most skilled agents to help state and local law enforcement fight violent crime. over the past two months, federal agents involved in operation legend have made more .han 2500 arrests many for violent crimes, including homicide and sexual assault. one of these arrests came on august 13 when kansas city , with the support of the fbi and u.s. marshals arrested the suspected murderer of legend tyler pharaoh, the four-year-old boy who inspired the operation's name. --addition to those arrested the 2500 arrests, prosecutors have brought fed