of that day, not that of several days ago which previously was the case so cinemas like this lost their appeal. but the tyneside the north—east. in 1966 the cinema was a news theatre, it was the end of the news cinema era. you can tell why they died, can't you? it is a great achievement. as audiences disappeared, the tyneside turns arthouse. there was raised eyebrows, they show pornographic films all day but we said, no, we don't, we show films from all around the world. and to get rid of that image took a long time. it struggled for a couple of decades because of financial difficulties but what happened was quite remarkable, there was a hard—core of people who came and felt so passionate that they got themselves organised and had a kind of sit in and the place was packed out and i think they galvanised opinion that this was a place worth supporting. a board of trustees took over but away from the silver screen in another part of the building change was also on the menu. in 1938 poached eggs only cost 8p and the coffee rooms were going a bit stale but the new owner knew that retro was the future. i first starte