typicallyvisas, and there has been much more desire for the visas then that limit. they go to a lottery once they go over the cap. it is a random lottery. companies that have submitted petitions for the visas will be put in the lottery and they will choose 85,000. >> they will be assigned to companies, they will come in and start work. how long does the visa last? >> three years and can be ready for another three years. in some cases, poor people adjusting to lawful permanent residents, green card, they can be extended more. about foreignk workers who come in and efforts by the administration to look at that. republicans.for democrats, 202-748-8000. holder, wea h1b visa want to hear from you. the president, earlier this week, put out an executive order saying he wanted to review all visa programs and have his federal agencies look and make sure they are not discriminating against the u.s. workers and displacing them. in particular, he doesn't want to look more closely at the lottery. the idea that it should not be random and maybe should be a merit-based system wher