to the red queen syndrome and tracking because we've covered this and i know you're talking to tyson slocum so he's big on this whole energy market and it is a fascinating story i know just talking about it then gets called propaganda but here are investors that are complaining they were expecting the losses to and and some day for profits to flow but apparently according to reuters cash flow still weak at u.s. shell firms stock prices underperform us shell producers last year again spent more money than they collected extending a years long streak of putting oil output above cash flow and investor returns according to a reuters analysis of top independent producers all but seven of twenty nine of these producers last year spent more on drilling and shareholder payouts than they generated through operations according to securities filings unless a security filings were filed by you know adversary nations that this is actually reported earnings today s c c from these companies and they're showing losses now this is interesting because they are bullets scaling western losses you know in the f